It's Blue Day
A day before Christmas. It was my son's wedding reception day held a week after the bride's event in Singapore. This was a Malay wedding but did not fully follow all the Malay ceremonial rites like sitting demurely on a special dais' (bersanding) and being sprinkled with rose water. Let's first watch the much appreciated video which was produced by my youngest daughter's friend. If you have the time, you might want to scroll down to see some or all the photos in this post.

All the photos above show the final preparation before the arrival of the guests. The canopies were set up the day before and we were offered a good rent deal. The bunches of rambutans were given by the neighbor across the road. Thank you, ya..

The earliest guests were our neighbors. Usually, we went to the nearest wedding reception before going off to further venues. Many couples were having their weddings at this time of the year.

Our door gifts for our guests. All were taken care of by my new found friends, who own a bakery in Kajang. One of them happened to be my kampung folk in Sabah.
The Singapore bride and her entourage arriving at the promised time. Thank you, guys. They parked and gathered at Ustazah's house at the end of the lane.
Our trusted and efficient 'deejay' who is a neighbor's son. He brought in the nasyid (religious song) group.
After the doa and a family photo session, the couple with the bride's family sat at at the major reception table for the 'makan beradab (is it beradat?). The dishes were specially prepared by the caterer. Oh my God, I had left out the chutney. And the flowers too. The caterer was too busy that he had forgotten them in his vehicle.. No wonder the table looked bare. Well, it was fated.
Hopefully this one won't be the first and the last for the couple. LOL

They have just arrived in KL after their performance in Terengganu. Only a trio came.

Thanking friends who came.
Went down to the other reception area near the 'surau'. Look at the darkened sky. The gentle downpour lasted for a little bit more than an hour without any lightning and thunder. Somehow it resulted in soiling the guests bottom attires due to the sticky wet clay soil. I wonder if the dry cleaner was able to wash off the stain left on my husband's linen 'baju melayu'.

My relatives
My Sabah family. I notice there was no photo of the whole family of the kelantan side.
DIY bridal room
May Allah bless your life together which is just beginning. Be patient and this word is one of the most over rated because it's easier said than done.

Getting ready to receive our guests.
A hug which is usually given to close friends
These were volunteers who took care of the traffic, directing guests where to park. I was lucky to have a relative who got them for me at last minute as he is active in social work.

The earliest guests were our neighbors. Usually, we went to the nearest wedding reception before going off to further venues. Many couples were having their weddings at this time of the year.

Our door gifts for our guests. All were taken care of by my new found friends, who own a bakery in Kajang. One of them happened to be my kampung folk in Sabah.
The Singapore bride and her entourage arriving at the promised time. Thank you, guys. They parked and gathered at Ustazah's house at the end of the lane.
Parading to the bridegroom's house
After entering the house, the couple sat down and listened to the long 'doa' (prayer) dedicated to them. Ameen.Our trusted and efficient 'deejay' who is a neighbor's son. He brought in the nasyid (religious song) group.
After the doa and a family photo session, the couple with the bride's family sat at at the major reception table for the 'makan beradab (is it beradat?). The dishes were specially prepared by the caterer. Oh my God, I had left out the chutney. And the flowers too. The caterer was too busy that he had forgotten them in his vehicle.. No wonder the table looked bare. Well, it was fated.
Hopefully this one won't be the first and the last for the couple. LOL
The entertainment was provided by the kompang (above) and the nasyid (below) groups. I got them a week before the Day. I decided against the recorded version of the kompang music as it would be superficial. Again, I thanked this one relative, Amir, who made the effort to get them at the last hour.

They have just arrived in KL after their performance in Terengganu. Only a trio came.
The three-tier wedding cake made by Chef Midah of Pink Cake House, Kajang. Originally there should be 5 cakes! My hub said, too many.
Cheese, Vanilla and Chocolate cakes
After the special meal, the couple meet the guests and expressed their gratitudes.

Thanking friends who came.
Went down to the other reception area near the 'surau'. Look at the darkened sky. The gentle downpour lasted for a little bit more than an hour without any lightning and thunder. Somehow it resulted in soiling the guests bottom attires due to the sticky wet clay soil. I wonder if the dry cleaner was able to wash off the stain left on my husband's linen 'baju melayu'.
They have known him since he was 12 years old.
My colleagues of twenty years.
My son's office mates at HP, Cyberjaya
Friends I haven't met in 30 years after we finished high school. However, we communicated through fb since we found each other a year ago.
Old friends

My relatives
My Sabah family. I notice there was no photo of the whole family of the kelantan side.
There are now eight in the family.
May Allah bless your life together which is just beginning. Be patient and this word is one of the most over rated because it's easier said than done.
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