The Solemnization in Singapore

My only son is now married to the only daughter of Mr Jumahat and Kak Ani. She cried some tears before leaving our house after the KL reception which made me feel sorry for her. I quite understand her feelings but I wasn't good with words I didn't know how to comfort her. We just hugged each other and I hopefully know how to be a good MIL to her Yana. Sigh. The marriage solemnization was held in Woodland, the home of the bride in Singapore on the night of 16th of December, 2012. We had the wedding in this month because we had to wait for Ismah to finish her major examination, SPM, on the 6th. My family were accompanied by my younger SIL's family and the children's grandmothers. At the ground floor of the apartment building before going up to the bride's apartment