Kopi satu!

Not that I'm an avid coffee drinker. But that's the drink I want to enjoy on a rainy day. I was already a coffee drinker when I was still a kid. The black but sweetened coffee, not nescafe. But, when I started to have children, the drink was switched to Milo (2 tablespoon milo + 3 tablespoon powder milk and I was particular about this measurement). I was also particular about caffein in coffee and the chemical content of tea which they said hampered the absorption of iron in the body. Now, I don't care. As long as I drink moderately, not more than 12 cups a day, I really don't care. I must have my 'kopi tarik kurang manis' every morning when in school or at the Mamak but I seldom order the 'Kopi-O'. Weekend mornings, if I don't go back to sleep after subuh (which is seldom). The coffee maker was bought more than 10 years ago. When we moved to our present house, it was kept in the cabinet and forgotten until last year. That revives the interest in b...